Downloadable List of BMW Dealerships

Get access to a comprehensive list of all 131 BMW Dealerships, including detailed contact information such as dealer names, addresses, phone numbers, emails, and websites. Each entry also includes services offered, dealer support information, and precise geolocation data. Ideal for professionals seeking detailed dealership data.



Last Updated: 4 months ago

Comprehensive Downloadable List of All BMW Dealerships

Access the most detailed and up-to-date list of all BMW Dealerships with our downloadable Excel file. This resource contains all 131 BMW Dealership locations, providing a wealth of information such as dealer names, complete address details (including Address Type, Address Line 1-3, Town, County, Postcode), and various contact points like Primary and Secondary Phones, Emails, and Fax numbers. It also includes the Website URLs, whether the dealership supports CDK or Pinnacle services, and other key operational details such as if they offer New/AUC/Service/Rental/Bodyshop/Fastlane services.

Additionally, each dealership entry features latitude and longitude coordinates, SOLB Monthly Service Opt-In information, Dealer Numbers, corporate contact information, finance service contacts, and tracking phone numbers. This makes it a powerful tool for industry professionals, market analysts, and anyone seeking comprehensive information on BMW dealerships.

Download this complete list today and take advantage of the detailed, well-organized data to support your business objectives, from marketing to logistics and service management.



Has Addresses


Has Emails


Has Phones


Has Websites



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